What is new in ThemeKey 3.0?
Eingereicht von mkalkbrenner
There are various reasons to use multiple themes within a single Drupal installation. ThemeKey allows you to define simple or sophisticated theme-switching rules to select the right theme automatically.
After 6 months of development ThemeKey 3.0 has been released for Drupal 7 this year.
Due to the fact that Drupal 7 is still the system we use to build sites today and that the number of ThemeKey installations exceeded 18,000 it is worth to take a look at its new features.
3.0 offers more functionality for mobile devices. It now integrates with modules like Browscap and Mobile Detect out of the box.
Using the new sub-module named "ThemeKey Redirect" you give mobile users the choice if they prefer a mobile version that might use responsive web design or a the full featured desktop version of your web site.
The new sub-module "ThemeKey CSS" offers an additional rule chain to add single CSS files based on rules, instead of or in addition to switching the theme.
Various new properties have been added to increase the possibilities when building rules. But the most powerful change is the support of Fields: switch your theme based on a field value!
The session will start with a (really short) introduction to ThemeKey. Then we will focus on the new stuff and demonstrate how it could be used.
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