Three years and 10 days after our successful DrupalCamp in 2014 we now celebrate Drupal again in Frankfurt on 22. & 23. April 2017.

Drei Jahre und 10 Tage nach unserem erfolgreichem DrupalCamp in 2014 werden wir wieder Drupal hier in Frankfurt am 22. & 23. April 2017 hochleben lassen.

Front-end task automation and Drupal

Sunday, April 13, 2014 -
14:45 to 15:30
Thomas Krenn (H4)
Intermediate and expert front-end developers
Executive summary:
How to profit from front-end automation tools like Grunt, Gulp and Yeoman in a Drupal Project
The story:
You want to:
  • build a theme from your own template
  • use a package manager for downloading and updating your libraries
  • minify your code and assets
  • check for errors and code quality
  • run tests
  • autocompile your SASS
  • auto develop your theme while you're on holiday ( :D )

I will give you a good overview of the available tools and configurations and show you how to deal with some common requirements and soon you will automate the sh** out of your next drupal theme project.