Submitted by dcffm on
As you all know, a DrupalCamp lives from its sessions. So we need the help of all of you to make this camp as interesting, exciting and informative as possible. We want you to talk about everything that's relevant for the attendees: The hot new stuff, basics, specialities - whatever you think will be interesting for the community. We're also open to non-Drupal-related topics, that have a relevance for the audience.
So don't wait until last minute, show others what great topics you have to offer and submit your session now.
Things to consider:
- You have to purchase your ticket first. After you've bought it you can login to the site and submit your session.
- Have you ever been to a foreign event and couldn't attend some sessions you would have been interested in, just because you do not understand the language? We really want to avoid that situation and offer the most for an international audience. Therefore intermediate and expert sessions are supposed to be held in English. Beginner sessions can be held in German.
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