Drei Jahre und 10 Tage nach unserem erfolgreichem DrupalCamp in 2014 werden wir wieder Drupal hier in Frankfurt am 22. & 23. April 2017 hochleben lassen.

Configuration Management in Drupal 8

Sonntag, April 13, 2014 -
12:00 bis 12:45
Bright Solutions (HIV)

This session will be held by stBorchert and me. We have been looking at the new Configuration Management in Drupal 8 in much detail over the last 3 months and will talk about what you can expect from it.

This is what we plan to talk about:

  • What is Configuration Management in Drupal 8, explained in simple terms to be understood by non-developers and developers alike.
  • Why should you use Configuration Management (and you should!).
  • How to make the best out of using Configuration Management (Hint 1: use git! Hint 2: Stick to certain development best practices - we'll show you how)
  • How site admins with no programming knowledge can use it.
  • The anatomy of configuration files.
  • We'll take a quick look at how to write your own configuration in a custom module.

We will start with the simple stuff and move to the developer-oriented stuff towards the end.